Join Us

Prospective members are invited to review the current constitution for the Association.

Application for membership is open to any retired member formerly employed by Trinity College, and their respective spouse/partner.

Applications for membership shall, at the absolute discretion of the Executive Committee, also be open to former employees of other organisations affiliated to the College (e.g. academic teaching hospitals), and their respective spouse/partner, where it can be demonstrated that the applicant had a substantive and meaningful employment connection with the College during their career.

Annual subscription

The annual membership fee is €15 per annum per member.

Applying for Membership

You can apply on line and pay on line using a secure payment system by clicking the button below.

Apply Online or  Renew Existing Membership

Alternatively, you can choose to download an application form, or a membership renewal form, and send it to the Association in the post, together with your €15 cheque/bank draft (not cash).  Cheques/bank drafts should be made payable to the Trinity Retirement Association.  Please send your completed application form and cheque/bank draft to The Secretary, Trinity Retirement Association,  C/O TCD Human Resource Pensions Office Trinity Central 152-160 Pearse Street Trinity College Dublin Dublin 2

Download Application Form

Download Membership Renewal Form

Privacy Policy

The Trinity Retirement Association collects and stores specific personal information about its members. This includes: name, postal address, email address, contact phone numbers and details of financial transactions between the Association and its members. The information collected is used for the administration of the Association and to promote events run by the Association on behalf of  its members. The data is stored in a database and is only accessed by specified officers of the Executive Committee for conducting the business of the Association. Information is never shared with any other body or organisation. The Association’s mailing list is only used for events that are relevant to the Association. Members names and the year of their membership will be held in perpetuity for historical purposes, unless the member requests that their name be removed. Once a person ceases to be a member of the Association, all other information is deleted.

At some events, photographs are taken that may include people’s images and are published on the website. Where this occurs the Executive Committee offers the opportunity for those concerned to ask for their image to be removed and will comply with such request in a timely fashion.

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Trinity Retirement Association is a voluntary association of retired staff members from Trinity College Dublin and permission to use the Trinity logotype has been given by the Secretary to the College