Executive Committee

Executive Committee: 2024-2025

James Lunney(Chair) Jean Whyte (Secretary)
Claire Laudet (Treasurer) Dave Gough (Events Secretary)
Myra O’Regan Jim Malone
Shane Allwright Monica Alcock






The Ninth Annual General Meeting of the Trinity Retirement Association was held on Tuesday, 25th April, 2024, at 11.ooam in the Physics Theatre, TCD.

Notice of 2024 AGM

Agenda for 2024 AGM

The Eight Annual General Meeting of the Trinity Retirement Association was held on Tuesday, 25th April, 2023, at 11.ooam in the Physics Theatre, TCD.

2023 AGM Minutes

TRA Accounts 2023



The Seventh Annual General Meeting of the Trinity Retirement Association was held on Tuesday, 14th April, 2022, at 12:00 noon via Zoom online platform.


TRA accounts 2022

AGM 2022 Notice

AGM 2022 Agenda

The Sixth Annual General Meeting of the Trinity Retirement Association was held on Friday 16th April, 2021, at 12:00 noon via Zoom online platform

AGM 2021 Minutes

TRA Accs. 2021

The Fourth Annual General Meeting of the Trinity Retirement Association was held on Thursday, 4th April, 2021, at 11.ooam in the Botany Lecture Theatre, TCD.


accounts 2019

The Third Annual General Meeting of the Trinity Retirement Association was held on Friday, 20th April, 2021, at 11.ooam in the Botany Lecture Theatre, TCD.

AGM 2018 Minutes

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Trinity Retirement Association is a voluntary association of retired staff members from Trinity College Dublin and permission to use the Trinity logotype has been given by the Secretary to the College