About Us

The Trinity Retirement Association was launched on 8th April 2014 following feedback from the College’s pensioners.  In April 2024, we had 284 paid up members.  The Association is open to all retired staff of the College and their spouse/partner.

The objectives of the Association are:

  • to promote a focal point for retired staff members to meet and engage in educational, cultural, sporting and social activities;
  • to promote a spirit of self-help and independence and to encourage members to use their energy, talents, skills, knowledge and experience to benefit each other and the College;
  • to encourage positive attitudes to ageing and retirement;
  • to provide general information of interest to members.

The Association is governed by a constitution and operates on an autonomous, self-financing basis.







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Trinity Retirement Association is a voluntary association of retired staff members from Trinity College Dublin and permission to use the Trinity logotype has been given by the Secretary to the College