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Drumming for Health and Well-Being. Tuesday 9th Jan. 10.30 and 1pm

January 9, 2024

| €10


Have you ever experienced the therapy and joy of drumming in a group (Drum Circle)?

If not, now is your chance to do so ! Drumming in a group (Drum Circle), has been found to have measurable therapeutic value for participants .  The benefits are multiple and varied and are supported by increasing amounts of research (notably by the Royal College of Music in 2016).

The benefits include: Reduction in feelings of social isolation

Accessibility to al

Effective diminution of Anxiety/ Depression

Increase in feelings of well-being (from concentrating on getting things off  your chest)

Lessening of aggressive (psychological) tendencies etc etc

We, in the Trinity Retirement Association Committee, are fortunate in having secured the services of Aidan Dunphy, from Omagh, Co. Tyrone to provide our members with the opportunity to participate in a  unique hand-drumming experience. 

Aidan has over 25 years professional experience of delivering workshops and tuition to groups and individuals of all ages and abilities. A graduate of the Trinity College of Music in London he is a qualified drummer, percussionist, music tutor and proud owner of Rhythm School NI.  His performances include gigs with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, with the English National Ballet, the Irish Memory Orchestra (for the past 10 years) and he has also played jazz at the ‘100 Club’ and Ronnie Scott’s legendary jazz club.

We will have two sessions on Tuesday 9th January 2024:;

i). the first will start at 11  (Be there by 10.45) and end at 12.30; 

ii). the second will start at 1.30 (Be there by 1.15) and end at 3pm.

Cost:  €10.00 pp.

All equipment will be provided.  No previous experience required.

Wear comfortable clothing and prepare to let your hair down and get rid of all your frustrations!

Participants will be notified of the venue nearer the time.

This event is reserved for members only.


Booking opens on December 22nd at 9.00am and closes on January 7th at 11.00pm





January 9, 2024
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Trinity Retirement Association is a voluntary association of retired staff members from Trinity College Dublin and permission to use the Trinity logotype has been given by the Secretary to the College