Dear Members,
The Executive Committee of the TRA is organising a lecture for members entitled ‘Red Hugh O’Donnell and His World’ The lecture will be delivered by Jane Ohlmeyer via Zoom on Tuesday October 27th at 2PM.
Red Hugh O’Donnell (c.1572–1602) is very much in the news. The excavation in Spain of the cemetery where he was buried and the possibility, albeit remote, of recovering his skeleton has piqued interest in this important Gaelic chieftain. Who was Red Hugh O’Donnell? And what do we know of his world?
Jane Ohlmeyer
Red Hugh O’Donnell and His World
Professor Jane Ohlmeyer, MRIA, FTCD, FRHS, is Erasmus Smith’s Professor of Modern History (1762) at Trinity College Dublin. She was the founding Head of the School of Histories and Humanities and Trinity’s first Vice-President for Global Relations (2011-14). She was a driving force behind the 1641 Depositions Projectand the development of the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute and she is currently the Director. Since 2015, she has been chair of the Irish Research Council, an agency that funds frontier research across all disciplines. She has recently led Trinity’s bid as part of a consortium of partners for the successful award of €1.5million for the project ‘Shape-ID’, ‘Shaping Interdisciplinary Practices in Europe’, funded by European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. She is the author or editor of numerous articles and 11 books, including being the editor of Volume 2 of The Cambridge History of Ireland, published in 2018. President Michael D. Higgins launched the Cambridge History of Ireland in Dublin and Vice President Joe Biden did likewise in Washington DC. She is currently working on a book on ‘Ireland, Empire and the Early Modern World’ which she will give as the prestigious Ford Lectures in Oxford (2021). She is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy, of the Irish Manuscripts Commission and of a number of editorial boards. She also serves on the Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institute’s international advisory board (2017- 2020).
If you would like to join us for the lecture please register a place using our website ticket system below.
Registrations for this event close at midnight on 25th of October – warning to members, registrations are not possible after this date and time. There is no charge for this event.
(You will need to download the Zoom app to your computer if you haven’t already done so)
Prior to the lecture a link and other information required to join us on the Zoom link will be sent by email to all those who have registered.
We hope you can join us on the 27th
All The Best
Trinity Retirement Association
Twitter: @janeohlmeyer| Email: